Early Warning System
Alert instantly!
Disaster Early Warning Network is a multi-hazard disaster management solution that helps notify citizens on hazards, disasters, traffic & weather immediately.

to setup, use & send messages. Create multiple templates & manage priority groups & users easily.

& location-based warning & alert system enables citizens to learn about danger zones & safe areas.

dissemination of messages & warnings. Citizens are warned in seconds with messages sent directly to their devices.

Language localisation
enables citizens to understand warnings in their native language.

DEWN can help SAVE lives.

TV & Radio

Digital Signage


Social Media

Get access to the fastest emergency broadcast.

Key Benefits
Modern & User-friendly Interface
Displays useful information in an easy way with Google Maps integration for disaster location & point identification.
Promotes single warning message across different platforms
Usage of Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) promotes a single warning message to be widely circulated concurrently across different platforms.
Mass alerts
Send mass alerts to different priority groups in one click.
Declare/Identify danger zones & safe areas
The map integration allows system users to state danger zones and safe areas while allowing citizens to identify the same.
Access enhanced reports
Search and retrieve crucial information on sent messages by type, language, status, district, etc.
Language localised SMS & Cell Broadcast messages
Allows mass messaging with information provided in languages of your choice.

What is DEWN?
Compelling insights
Utilise the web-based dashboard & learn about your data from alerts to API integrations to user registrations.

Create different templates
Different events require different responses. Create unique templates for types of disasters, weather & traffic. Send messages to priority groups in keys districts & in native languages with customisation for language localisation.
Anyone can register
Whether you’re an individual, a business or a media channel, you can register for API keys & get instant information to your integration.

Enhanced reports
Check out past message alerts & monitor the frequency to understand disasters, weather & traffic patterns in your country.
DEWN Mobile app for citizens
Get notified immediately! Using the mobile app, citizens can find out information about current alerts, danger & safe zones with Google Maps integration & emergency contacts to call, directly from the app.